Pipework Modifications with Pipe Freezing

New Valves Installed

Client – SEE Services

Site Location – Tesco Extra, Baldock Building, Stevenage

Contract Duration – Weekend works, out of hours, half day



The Client’s Brief 

The client was not able to drain down the system to carry out pipework modifications. Therefore, our Pipe Freezing Services were requested to stop the flow and install two quarter turn valves. Following on from this, remove unrequired pipework.

Key Highlights of Services Included 

For the works to take place, the client was asked to isolate the boiler and pump 12 hours prior to our attendance. This meant the pipework would be at an ambient temperature for the pipework freezes to take place.

Our engineers firstly applied a freeze jacket to the 32mm LTHW return pipework and another to the 32mm LTHW flow pipework.

Then they poured liquid nitrogen into the freeze jackets and waited for both jackets to freeze over.

Once both pipe freezes had taken hold, we cut out the section of the pipework feeding to the over door heater and drained residual water into local foul drains.

Next, on the end of both cut off pipes, we installed one quarter turn valve, along with a plug off outlet.

Lastly, we released the freezes and checked for leaks.

Result of  Works

There was minimal disruption to services at Tesco Extra and they now have two new quarter turn valves ready to use.


See more information on IDWe Ltd Pipe Freezing Services

Get a quote, please call 020 8302 7644 or email info@idwe.co.uk

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